Smart Email Marketing – So, you wanna get fancy? The advanced search techniques let you search and sort your subscribers by any number of parameters. You can search for anything in the subscriber detail fields, or by list membership.
To search fields
Type the full name of the field, followed by a colon, followed by the text you want to search for.
[field name]:[search term]
Note: Keep in mind that there are no spaces in between any of these terms.
Example | Result |
firstname:Dean | All subscribers who have “Dean” in their firstname field. |
city:New York | All the subscribers who have “New York” in their city field.
Note: Because this is a text string search, folks who have “NY” in their city field would not show as a search result. |
zip:111 | All subscribers who have 3 ones in a row anywhere in their zip field. |
To search lists
You can search for subscriber memberships with a few different commands. Keep in mind that you must put quotes around the list name.
- member_of:”List Name“ will return all folks who are a member of the list you’ve mentioned.
- only_in_all_list will return all folks who are not a member of any list, and are active subscribers. This is useful in the case where you haven’t specified a list for your signup form, or if you’ve accidentally deleted a list. Find out more about folks only in the All list.
- member_of:”*” will return all folks who are not a member of any list, including your Suppression list.
To combine search terms
You can use AND, OR, and NOT to combine any of these search terms. Type in your first search item, a space, your connector (AND, OR, NOT), another space, and your next search term.
- not member_of:”All Stars”
All subscribers who are not a member of the list All Stars.Note: Because this is using a connector, note that there IS a space between not, and member.
- firstname:Dean and city:New York and member_of:”All Stars”
All subscribers who have “Dean” in their firstname field, and “New York” in their city field, and are members of the list All Stars. Because these are connected by AND, the results will be only subscribers who fulfill all the criteria. - member_of:”Rock and Roll Lovers” and not member_of:”Eric’s List”
All subscribers who are members of the list Rock and Roll Lovers, but aren’t members of the list Eric’s List.Note: This combines multiple connectors, to search for more than one criteria, including a negative list search.
- member_of:”Rock and Roll Lovers” or member_of:”Eric’s List”
All subscribers who are a member of the list Rock and Roll Lovers, or they are a member of Eric’s List. Because this is using an OR connector, they could be on one list, or even both lists.