What if I’ve reached my bandwidth limit?

Bandwidth is a measurement of the amount of data allowed to pass between a user’s website and the rest of the Internet. Bandwidth includes all incoming and outgoing data transfer from your server including but not limited to web traffic, ftp usage, all emails passing through our mail server, etc. Each VPS and Dedicated Server plan comes with a certain amount of bandwidth per month, measured in gigabytes (GB).

If you exceed your server’s bandwidth allotment, you will be subjected to bandwidth overage charges.

We suggest taking the proper measures to prevent bandwidth overage.

At any time you can review your server’s bandwidth usage. See Review your bandwidth usage.

If you are expecting an increase in web traffic, you can purchase additional bandwidth as a recurring billing service. See Add bandwidth.

Bandwidth Overage Protection shields you from bandwidth overage charges by automatically suspending your account when its allotted bandwidth is exceeded. Reinstatement occurs at the start of your next billing cycle or when additional bandwidth is purchased. See Adding Bandwidth-Overage Protection to Your Server and Adding Bandwidth-Overage Protection to Your Server.

Patching Your Server

To protect yourself from security vulnerabilities, you must patch your server regularly. Developing a monthly or weekly habit of performing this simple task can save you a lot of grief and hassle later on.

 Note: Managed Hosting and Assisted Service Plan customers do not need to patch their own servers.

The process to patch your server depends on what operating system your server uses:

Fedora or Cent OS

  1. Connect to your server via SSH (more info).
  2. Switch to the root user (more info).
  3. Run the following:
    yum clean all
    yum update


  1. Connect to your server via SSH (more info).
  2. Switch to the root user (more info).
  3. Run the following:
    apt-get upgrade

Windows Server

  1. Connect to your server via RDC (more info).
  2. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  3. Click Windows Update.
  4. Click Check for Updates, and then complete the steps to update your server.

Reset your password

If you forgot your server’s password, we can help you reset it.

 Warning: If you forget a dedicated server’s password (i.e. not a VPS), we can provide it to you over the phone. Please call the Support number listed on our help page.

 Note: If you know your password and want to change it, see Changing Your Server’s Password.

  1. Log in to your IFindHost – CheapDomainRegistration.com account.
  2. Click Servers.
  3. Next to the server you want to use, click Manage.
  4. In the Support section, select Reset Password.
  5. Enter your new password. Allow the system up to 30 minutes for the change to take effect.

Restart your server

If you cannot reboot your server manually, you can restart it by requesting a power cycle.

  1. Log in to your IFindHost – CheapDomainRegistration.com account.
  2. Click Servers.
  3. Next to the server you want to use, click Manage.
  4. From the Support section, click Request Power Cycle.
  5. Review and confirm your request.

 Note: Please allow up to 30 minutes for your Virtual Private Server (VPS) to fully reboot and up to 1 hour for your dedicated server to fully reboot.

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