Managing Your Hosting Account’s Files – Web & Classic Hosting

Your hosting account is on a computer — just like a personal computer. So, just like a personal computer you can manage your website’s files and directories, with tasks like:

  • Uploading
  • Moving
  • Archiving (zipping) and unarchiving

Changes you make through your hosting account’s file manager will take effect on the Internet immediately.

Manage Your Hosting Account’s Files

  1. Log in to your IFindHost – account.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. From the Files & FTP menu, select File Manager.
  5. Use the File Manager’s following tools:
Button Use it to…
File Icon Double-click any file to open it in a text editor.
Upload Upload files from your computer.
New Create new files or directories.
Move Change the selected file’s or directory’s parent directory.
Download Download selected files from your hosting account to your computer.
Privacy Change the file’s permissions.
Delete Remove the selected files from your hosting account.
Rename Change the file’s or directory’s name.
Duplicate Create a duplicate copy of the selected file or directory.
Archive Create an archive file containing the selected content.
Extract Open an archive file to reveal its contents.
Symbolic Link Create a symbolic link to other files in your account (more info).
Properties Display information about the selected file or directory.
Enable history view (Linux only) Use the hosting account’s built-in history tool to restore files (more info).